Pre Loaded Settings Already Loaded Masters!!!

proCampuz is already loaded with Settings.

For ease of use the proCampuz is already loaded with masters like College, Batch, Branch, Class, Semesters. Also proCampuz works intelligently as per the season the University is following.


proCampuz database auto set to capture colleges. ANd when you join proCampuz system automatically map your accout with the college you select. If the college is not found then during the sign up process user can create the College.


proCampuz auto create batches in the system as per 2,3 or 4 years. For Example for 2 year course system stores batches like 2014:2016, for 3 year courses system stores 2014:2017, for 4 year courses 2014:2018 etc. This helps user to easily map the batches to the students or time table and thus no need to create the batches.


proCampuz tries to store all the branches applicable to Engineering Courses like B Tech and M Tech. And in case any course which does not have branch proCampuz by default stores Branch Names as Course Name itself. FOr Example if the Course is BCA then.


proCampuz have introduced class concept for those colleges where there are double intake. For example if the approve dintake by the University is 120 seats, colleges will divide the class into two divsions as Class A and Class B. ProCampuz has already loaded clases till Class J.


proCampuz have been loaded with semeters in the system. User can select the applicable semester as per the number of year the course is.

Season Settings

proCampuz have been loaded with Seasons and dynamically mapped to the current month and year. This help in auto mapping of the semetser to the respective Batch mapped to the students. This done to define extreme similicity in the product.

Contact us at or 0481-271 8407.

The screen shots shown in the helpdesk are for exhibition purpose and the real screen may differ as per the current version of the product.